Anger Management Counselling

What is Anger Management?

Anger is a normal, human emotion, experienced by people on a daily basis. This is defined as “… a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.” Like all emotions, it is healthy and appropriate if controlled effectively. However, if it is not controlled, anger can negatively effect those around us – even the people who we love the most. Some people have a genetic disposition towards anger, others may have learned it in the environment in which they grew up. Regardless of its origin, learning how to cope with and manage anger is an important skill.

How Effective is Anger Management Treatment?

If you are experiencing issues in anger management, there is reason for hope. According to the American Psychological Association, therapy for this issue is tremendously effective, with “…approximately 75% of people receiving anger management therapy improved as a result.” With the right help and resources, you can have positive and healing relationships with those that you care about again.

What is Anger Management Treatment?

At Freedom Counselling we want to help you understand, listen to, and effectively manage all your emotions, including anger. We are pleased to be able to offer an anger management counselling sessions. These session may meet the requirements for court ordered therapy – contact us for more information about your personal situation. Our approach trains you to listen for your anger “triggers,” and helps you to identify how to react in an appropriate manner and express your feelings without hurting others.  

Helpful Resources

Health Link BC

This government resource is a good starting point if you are wanting to learn more about anger or if you are experiencing domestic violence or abuse. Click here for more information.

American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association is the premier association for psychological research and treatment. This helpful webpage helps give an understanding to anger, its root causes and symptoms. Read more about it here.

Canadian Mental Health Association

If you are looking for more information about how anger management effects you and strategies for coping, this website has a helpful overview, as well as links to different British Columbian initiatives. Click here for more information.

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