Parenting & Childcare Counselling
What is Parenting?
For many, the question “What is parenting?” might seem like an easy one. Simply put, parenting is the way in which a person nurtures and raises their child. Just like people, parents are all different and have different approaches to this task. There is no one right way to parent, but all parents can improve on their parenting skills. According to the American Psychological Association, there are three main parenting styles: Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved. Authoritative are supportive but also set firm boundaries for their children. Permissive parents a supportive but do not establish clean guidelines. Uninvolved parents are irresponsible or unloving.
How Does Parenting Affect People?
Unsurprisingly, the way that we parent can have lasting effects on our children, for better or for worse. When exploring the impact of parenting on children, the American Psychological Association found that children of authoritative parents were friendly, energetic, and self-reliant. Children of permissive parents were impulsive, domineering, and low in self-control. Children of uninvolved parents have low self-esteem, were inappropriate, and looked to other people for role models rather than their parents.
What Does Counselling Look Like?
The way we parent can have a dramatic impact on the future of our children. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you and your partner are on the right track. Whether you are together or separated, Freedom Counselling can help you and your partner communicate about parenting goals. Together with a therapist, you can come up with a winning strategy personalized to your unique situation. Call (250) 550-5482 today to set up your free initial consultation!
Helpful Resources
Health Link BC
A good resources for those who are expecting or are new parents, this Government of British Columba website has helpful topics, as well as links to the resources offered by the province. Click this link here to find out more.
Parent Support Services Society of BC
PSS BC has helpful resources for all parents who are struggling or simply want to improve their parenting craft. Find out more about them here.
Psychology Today
Offering articles and information based on the latest psychological research, Psychology Today is a good place to go for new ideas and tips for parenting your child. Click this link here to find out more.