LGBTQ 2S+ Counselling
What is LGBTQ 2S+?
The acronym LGBTQ 2S+ is a shorthand way to describe the many ways people describe themselves within the LGBTQQIP2SAA community. LGBTQ 2S+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and two-spirit. While there are many different ways to view one’s sexuality and gender identity, at Freedom Counselling we want each person to feel valued and accepted in the counselling process.
How Does My Orientation Affect Me?
No matter their orientation, each person is human, and participates in the shared experience of our species. So on the one hand, orientation does not effect this core perspective. On the other hand, LGBTQ 2S+ leads to many viewpoints and issues that those of a heterosexual orientation do not often encounter, and these need to be examined on their own. Sadly, many people in the LGBTQ 2S+ experience pain and abuse before and after they identify with this community from friends, family, and society who will not accept them for who they are. This can lead to deep hurt and emotional scars. Counselling is a safe place where hope and healing can occur. Freedom Counselling offers services to those who are wondering about or already identify with the LGBTQ 2S+ community.
What is LGBTQ 2S+ Marriage and Relationship Counselling?
You love your partner, and you want your relationship or marriage with them to be a long and healthy one. Counselling is a great place to be able to learn to express yourself openly and honestly with the partner that you care so much about. In doing so, you allow a place for positive communication so that both parties are “on board” with the relationship goals. Visit our Couples Counselling page to learn more!
Helpful Resources
Health Link BC
A good place to start exploring the different resources and programs that the Government of British Columbia has in place for the LGBTQ 2S+ community is by visiting their page on sexual orientation, which can be accessed here.
Kids Help Phone
If you are needing to learn more about what it means to be LGBTQ 2S+ or are needing someone to talk to immediately, go to the Kids Help Phone website. Click this link for more information!
Kids Health
If you are a parent whose child is asking questions about gender and sexual identity, or you have a child who identifying with the LGBTQ 2S+ community and you would like to learn more, Kids Health has a page with great information on this process. Follow the link to the website here.